KRISTIN MACPHERSON • Red Fox Creative Studio

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In May three fabulous women said YES. They said YES to possibility, YES to self-care, YES to nature, YES to themselves. 

The ART + SOUL RETREAT enables us to explore creativity, mindfulness, nature, and shared awareness through a small group setting.

There aren't many guidelines for this retreat, except:

  • Show Up

  • Feel all the feelings

  • Allow thoughts to come and go

This was a three day retreat that took place Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.  On Monday we focused on finding balance. We started with an outdoor guided visualization, accompanied by a quiet nature walk. In the quiet there was encouragement to just notice their thoughts and feelings. They were also encouraged to let these thoughts go, and just be, just be in this present moment.  We then took a break for some free time and nourishment. Next was a meditation in the middle of the forrest, followed by creativity time, reflection and conversation. Later that evening we made our trek out to Bald Butte (even though it had just rained) and watched the gorgeous sunset. Tuesday was spent with a guided meditation, creativity time and sharing our favourite moments amongst the group.

We built each other up and had a lovely time getting to know each other through our creative expression.  

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RED FOX CREATIVE STUDIO is a creativity & wellness centre located in Regina, SK.

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