Makers Monday: Deb from SkoochieCoo

What do you create? 
I make all kinds of clothing items and accessories for babies and kids.  A little bit for their mommies too!  

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What materials do you use to create? 
I use fabric! Most of my items are made with new fabrics but sometimes I used upcycled clothing items too. Dad’s shirt can make a really cute romper. 

Why do you create? 
It’s my outlet, my de-stressor from a busy day and something that brings me joy! 

How has your art practice evolved since you first started? 
I am always learning new things and pushing my limits but I have narrowed my focus so that the items I sell are featuring my best skills.  
At first I was very afraid to sew but now I’m not so much. If I mess up, it’s really just fabric.  I can fix it, make something new, or start all over again. 

What is the most rewarding part of creating? 
Getting to see my finished products in use and hearing from happy customers!!  

How is your art unique from others? 
It’s custom. Every item I make has my own design touches, be it the fabric combinations or the pattern itself or the colour of thread.  

Do you have a philosophy? 
Make everything with love. 

What does creative joy mean to you? 
It means having no fear, exploring new things, and teaching my daughter the value of creativity and exploration. 

CREATE your own question and answer….
One question I get asked often…Where did you learn to sew? 

I watched my mom and tried to copy her when I was little.  I would sit on the floor in her sewing room and try to make Barbie clothes while she made things for me.  My mom has helped me along the way but I have also found a network of sewing friends all over Canada that share similar businesses.  I can’t thank them enough for all of the tips and tricks and pattern advice.  They are always inspiring me to try new things.



Shoot Club at Avonlea Badlands


Fostering Self-Love